Last week there were typhoons all across the UK and I was on a canal boat punting up a river in Shropshire.


Well the truth is I'd had a row with my boyfriend. Now I am far from a plate smasher; but the truth is even dating coaches love lives aren't perfect.

So when you're hitting a brick wall and you can't seem to agree what's the solution?

Usually it's a change of scene. It may sound like your grandmother's secret recipe for relationship success but it really does help.

In amongst careers, utility bills and overly flirtatious Facebook messages it can be easy to forget how much you like one another as you know, people.

But when the rain came pouring down, halfway through a lock and our boat got stuck in the mud there was no escaping the fact that we are a team.

So if you're stuck in the mud with a relationship rut; get out there, build something together, go on an adventure, and remind yourselves that there's no one you'd rather be stuck with.

Hayley Quinn is a leading london dating coach. See what she does at or get in touch with her at

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