'WILL guys ever like me with hair like this?'

One of my female clients asked me whilst she stroked her (rather lovely) shaved head.

Just like the guy who is concerned that because he’s into golf, women will always think he’s a stick in the mud; or the divorcee who worries that if she’s open about a past relationship, it will scare off any new suitors… people spend a lot of time trying not to put others off.

But that’s not the dating game we should be playing.

Sure, if you measured it, a larger proportion of guys may prefer long, flowing locks to a shaved head. However there will be a bunch of others who just don’t care, and some who think that a buzz cut is infinitely sexier than a weave.

Rather than trying to be vanilla enough to not alienate any potential suitors; I believe it’s better to wear our personalities (and hearts) on our sleeves.

You can never hope to be everyone’s type- but you can bank on finding at least a few people who think everything about you is just perfect for them.

Hayley Quinn is a leading dating coach in London. See what she does at hayleyquinn.com.