Eye contact is the number one way we suss each other out as human beings.

From the dawn of time when our caveman ancestors had to work out whether that grunt meant undying love or 'you're about to die'; to when your partner can't hold your gaze when you ask them about what really happened Saturday night and you just know that broken gaze also means a broken promise.

Master eye contact with others & you'll also master the number one way to communicate you're sincere. You're telling the truth. You mean what you're saying.

All pretty handy when you need to tell someone you love them, you quite fancy them or you're really sorry for friending that attractive waitress on Facebook.

Take one look around the tube though and you'll notice eye contact with strangers isn't that easy.

So I've got a nifty exercise for both the men and women out there.

Men practice saying something sexy and honest to the woman you like without breaking her gaze. Even a simple 'you look great today' is doubled in power if you lock her gaze and show you're confident in what you're saying.

Women pay a compliment too but practice holding his gaze for a second, looking away for a second, then returning to meet his eyes. In body language lingo this is called the 'coital gaze' ooo-err! And is known to melt anyone in your wake...

Try both exercises out this week- and watch how you can double your chances of someone falling at your feet.

Hayley Quinn is a leading dating coach in London. See what she does at hayleyquinn.com or get in touch with her at Hayley@hayleyquinn.com.