You found out she's still friends with her ex.

You found out he's been texting a woman from work.

Someone wasn't on time for something important.

Someone said something in a tone....

Falling out is easy; making up is difficult. Now I'm not here to advocate you turning into a doormat (that's not attractive to anyone) but I do think that so often we prize throwing some plates against the wall, slamming the door, and having a good old barney over what's best for us long term.

Screaming isn't sexy. Nor does a blazing row make your relationship more passionate.

Don't think for a second that living your life like an episode of Hollyoaks means that you're in love. Love is about understanding, respect and communication: not heated debates, fighting for this love or reaching for the frying pan.

So next time your partner (inevitably) ticks you off how about you think about  what your long term goals are before you let those dirty dishes get to you. Screaming solves nothing.

A deep breath, explaining your grumble clearly and keeping a smile on your face are much more useful.


Hayley Quinn is a leading London dating coach. See what she does at or get in touch with her at

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