You would never think it happens to your local store, but it just did...

On Sunday 13th October at around 1pm an unexpected burglary happened at the Apple Store in the Bromley’s Glades.

A large group of teenage boys ran into the busy shopping mall and headed straight towards the Apple Store. No one knew what was going on, it was simply mayhem outside. The boys flooded the entire shop and grabbed all the phones on display. The models Iphone 11 and 11 pro were the most targeted out of the whole shop. In a second it was all over. Alarms blared and security was shouting which alarmed all of the passing shoppers as the group of boys rapidly ran out of the store in a blink of an eye.

However the boys didn’t get away with everything they took. A brave by-passer could not stop them from leaving the store like that so they stopped one of the passing boys and managed to take 3 phones out of his hand by battling with him at his attempt to exit out of the store. All witnesses were stood in shock as this event happened and the brave by-passer gave the phones back to Apple to carry on with the investigation.

A witness stated: “I was in the store looking at the (Iphone) 11 and they just ran in past me and one of them snatched the phone I was looking at right out of my hand with the plug and everything. I was so scared.”

The brave by-passer claimed: “My heart was racing so fast. I have never done anything like that in my entire life.”

After the incident happened the store shut for the rest of the day and through the glass doors it was visible the security team and store employees were discussing what is to come out of this situation. There is now doubled security at the store entrance to stop anything like this from happening again making innocent people like by-passing shoppers feel safer and most of all protecting the contents of the shop like never before.