A tenant at a property in Thamesmead has told of her frustrating ordeal with her housing association regarding long-overdue floor repairs in her home.

Janice Flower, 68, claims that the unstable floorboards were a danger in her home as her furniture slid around, causing instability and potential accidents.

She first reported the issue to Peabody on March 1, 2020, but Janice expressed her disappointment at the huge delay in any action being taken by the housing association.

Janice, who is disabled, explained that she faced a lot of stress caused by the lengthy process and Peabody's handling of the situation.

She said: “It has been a nightmare – I just don’t want another tenant to go through what I have been through.”

Janice had lodged complaints about the lack of communication between staff members, leading to significant delays and incomplete work, adding to her confusion and distress.

According to Janice, a representative from Access, a Peabody repairs service, visited her flat before the lockdown and acknowledged the severity of the problem.

The Access representative mentioned that they needed to create a full report, but no action was taken, and she said her attempts to contact the same representative were then met with dismissive responses.

Janice told News Shopper: “I had a particular tall unit and I had to get rid of it.

“As I walked back and forth, I noticed that glasses and various items would consistently move towards the edge every couple of days.

“I made sure to push them back, but it became a recurring issue.

“Towards the end of last year and continuing into this year as it got worse, I found myself constantly rearranging furniture in search of a more stable position, trying to find a spot where they wouldn't move as much.

“I started using furniture as a counterbalance by placing something on one end.”

The battle to get Peabody to address the problem has been ongoing for over three years, during which time Janice continued requesting repairs.

The lockdown further complicated matters, and Janice said her repeated follow-ups were met with delays and unfulfilled promises.

Finally, an external company called Saltash intervened and assessed that every floor in Janice's flat required repairs.

However communication with Peabody continued to be poor, according to Janice, and when a worker from Saltash arrived on April 11, she said they were surprised to learn that she had not been informed of any progress and that she was still living in the property.

After this surprise visit, Janice packed most of her belongings, anticipating an immediate move-out due to the uncertainty surrounding the repair process.

Her cooker had already been moved and stored at her son's house, leaving her without an essential appliance.

A new member of staff at Peabody was assigned to the situation, but Janice said that despite her being much more helpful, it was clear she was not fully informed about the details or that Janice needed a move-out date.

She visited Janice and agreed that, with all the furniture in the flat, it would be difficult for the workers to manoeuvre and deal with the expected dust from the repairs.

In response, Peabody offered accommodation in a hotel and a £50 weekly allowance to cover living expenses, but instead Janice went to live with her son who had offered her to stay.

Initially, the repairs were scheduled to be completed within nine days, but the timeline extended to four weeks.

Janice had expressed concern about whether her carpets could be reinstalled as additional expenses were worrying her.

She did say that the contractor, Saltash, has been supportive and reassuring, assuring her that everything would be restored.

It wasn't until June 26 that Janice received a confirmed move-out date and is now eagerly waiting to be informed of when she can return to her home.

The work has now been completed according to Peabody, which said that Janice will be returned home as soon as possible.

Janice has lived in the flat for six years after having to sell her family home after the death of her husband.

In a recent update, she said the repairs had caused a large wrinkle in her carpet, which she claims was not present before it was taken up.

Janice claimed that despite paying her rent throughout her time out of the home, she had not received the £50 per week from Peabody intended to assist with essential expenses.

She added: “I get the impression that they weren’t communicating the situation to their staff.

“In my opinion I don't think they care about the residents as long as they receive the rent.

“It seems like the wellbeing of the people living here isn't a priority to them.”

A spokesperson for Peabody said: “We’re really sorry for the unacceptable delay in repairing Ms Flower’s floorboards.

“We’ve now fixed the flooring and we are working with her to move her back home as soon as possible. We’ll also make sure she receives the money she is owed as a priority.”