You are murdering millions of innocent dolphins. All humans contribute to the destruction of these ill-fated creatures every day. This needs to stop.

Imagine living in a world where you can’t even breathe without being poisoned. This is what the sea is like for dolphins and other marine life when it is polluted with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The carbon dioxide that is produced when we burn fossil fuels is released into the atmosphere and frequently dissolved into the water of the oceans. Due to global warming, even the temperatures of the sea are rising, and soon, a large amount of marine life (especially dolphins) will be extinct because of a combination of these two factors. Is driving a short distance that you could easily walk really worth the loss of these intelligent animals?

Food packaging, plastic bags, cardboard, drink cans, bottles. These are just a few of the items that are often discovered floating on the surface of the sea. According to a survey done by the organisation Mudgal in 2011, over 24.9 megatonnes of plastic waste are distributed in the ocean every year in Norway and Switzerland alone. Dolphins and other marine life are able to become trapped in this rubbish and consequently injure themselves. Their wounds are sometimes so deep that they lead to illness (through infection) or in extreme cases, death.

Dolphin hunting has been a highly controversial practice for many decades. Dolphin drive hunting is a method in which dolphins are driven together by small boats and blocked from escaping. They are then killed for food or are kept captive in dolphinariums (dolphin aquariums). This mainly takes place in countries such as Japan and Peru. Dolphin meat is often distributed to school canteens. There are many objections to this because dolphin meat and blubber is found to have high levels of mercury, cadmium, the pesticide DDT, and organic contaminants like PCBs. If people frequently consume this meat, there is a health risk from these levels. If this is the case, why should we keep hunting dolphins to feed and poison school-children?

By simply turning off the lights when you leave a room or disposing of waste in bins, you are helping save the dolphin species. You can make a difference.