A pathway to the West End with Sophie Rose Jackson

I Interviewed Sophie Rose Jackson to have an insight on what it is like to live a busy acting lifestyle.

When did you first start enjoying drama?

As long as I can remember

What was your first play?

I played molly in Annie in an outside drama group. That really got me into performing.

Are there any upcoming plays that you are acting in?

Next show is Miss Salgon and I just finished playing Little Miss Red Riding Hood in ‘Into the woods’.

How did you get the role of Little Miss Red Riding Hood?

I auditioned for Cinderella and Little Miss Red Riding Hood. At first I wanted to play Cinderella but when I was landed the role of Little Miss Red Riding Hood I felt it allowed me to develop my comic skill.

Were you nervous or excited for ‘Into the woods’?

I was Really excited and full of adrenaline

Is there one play that you want to be in?

Maria in the Sound of music.

Was it hard to learn your lines?

Every night before I go to bed I spend around twenty or thirty minutes before reading over my lines. This makes it easier and breaks it down into chunks.

Is there anything you do before you go on stage to calm your nerves?

There is a ritual I have; I always sing the Hills are alive from the Sound of music before I go on stage. I also recommend take deep breaths and stay hydrated.

Is there any role models you aspire to be like?

Samantha Barks, Carrie Hope Fletcher and Julie Andrews are my role models. They are incredibly inspiring, versatile and talented.

Do you think the role Little Miss Red Riding Hood mirrors you in any way?

Yes, in some ways. The character has taught me not to be deceived by people, so people are not what you seem. It has also taught me to be careful for what you wish for, sometimes the things you desire most you already have.

What draws you to the role of Little Miss Red Riding Hood?

The comedic aspect of the character I wanted to break away from playing intensely What would you recommend younger children aspiring to act?

Know the character you want to go for. Believe in yourself. Never give up on your dreams and anything is possible.

Where do you see yourself in the future?

Hopefully I would have trained in drama school and had a first west end debut.

 By Alexandra Moraitis  Farringtons School