March 21, 2001 14:44: Once again, the local councillors have increased our community charge by a level well above the national rate of inflation.

This phenomenon which has come to pass with monotonous regularity in earlier years, will doubtlessly and scandalously be repeated in the future.

It will deprive the lower paid wage earners and some pensioners of a large part, if not, the entire increase in income they may have been granted for the current year.

This results in limiting or neutralising altogether what otherwise would have been a slight enhancement of their lifestyle.

Should these local administrators be confronted on this subject? They would, without doubt, present all sorts of excuses, some valid, mostly feeble ones, to absolve themselves from their dismal failure in running regional affairs.

Their obvious shortcomings are clearly illustrated during their often rowdy public meetings when their infantile and loutish behaviour would lead to immediate dismissal from most commercial enterprises.

During these gatherings, party politics distinctly take preference over the welfare of the people. They may be professionals in their workplace, but few are qualified in economics, accountancy or even architecture.

It is beyond comprehension that such persons are permitted to be in control of, and responsible for, many millions of pounds of citizens' hard earned and already heavily taxed incomes.

The question arises as to what extent can one blame these persons for their incompetence, and the simple and short answer must be that the main offender is not them, but the system which allows parties without qualifications and experience to be appointed to such a responsible and brain-power demanding position.

J A Vinken

Edinburgh Drive
