DAN Keel is a reporter at News Shopper.

On Wednesday, August 13 he's going to try and break the current world record for eating three cream crackers in the quickest possible time, a record set in October 2002 at 49.15 seconds.

This will be the first in a series of challenges Dan will be undertaking over the next few months in a new feature for News Shopper, Dan Dares.

The tasks will range from the sublime to the ridiculous and we'd like our readers and website visitors to help us come up with some challenges for him.

Maybe you want him to learn a new skill or set a different world record.

Or the tasks could be more complicated than that - perhaps he will have to find ten people with the same name as him in London, only eat food produced within 500 metres of Petts Wood for the day or fulfil an obscure ancient local law.

Dan will keep website visitors updated with his progress as he prepares for each challenge and a feature will appear in the paper upon completion of his task.

There are some rules:

  • Ideally, the challenge will be videoed
  • It must be legal, no trespassing or stealing
  • And ideally, it will be done in Petts Wood, but we'll widen the net if necessary.

Journalists are renowned for thinking they are clever and resourceful - and Dan is no exception to that. Here's your chance to prove him wrong.

Do you think Dan can break the record? What advice can you give him for his build-up to the attempt?

Add your comments below or contact Dan at dkeel@london.newsquest.co.uk

Do you think you have what it takes to rival Dan in his cracker eating record efforts?

If you want to try the same challenge contact us and perhaps we'll see battle commence.

To stay up-to-date with Dan's diary of his daring deeds click here