NEWS Shopper has been informed that two peacocks hanging around Orpington are from a farm in Knockholt, but will not be returning there immediately.

'Knocker' Layberry, of Wood Farm, Burlings Lane, says nine peacocks live on his farm but two have been missing in recent weeks.

He added the peacocks are female and therefore not peacocks at all, but peahens.

The 77-year-old said: "The thing is, you don't own these sort of birds, they choose to live with you.

"They are loved to death here but if they want to move on I won't stop them.

"However if they are being a nuisance and somebody can tempt them into a garage or shed with food then I'll come and pick them up.

"Of course I would love to have them back but they choose their own way, and they won't attack or upset anybody."

If the peacocks are being a nuisance, and you feel they should return, call Mr Layberry on 01959 532 240.