During this time, surely we would all come together to unsure that everyone is healthy, safe and has everything they need during this time of crisis. But, realistically, some of the people in the UK are going to ensure that they have more than enough food and essentials, leaving others to try and find their needs elsewhere. This is stockpiling.

Incase you were unaware, which I'm sure you weren't, stockpiling is essentially when someone has an excessive amount of items that they do not need. Sofar, when talking about the Coronavirus, many people are stockpiling on the following items:

toilet paper,pasta, rice, canned food, bread, milk and fresh fruit and vegetables.

Stockpiling only benefits a few people, which are those who do decide to stockpile. However, has it ever crossed your mind that by picking up three extra packets of toilet paper or pasta, that you're actually takiig it away from someone else. For example, nurses, doctors and key workers who cannot buy thier weeks worth of food until they've completed thier shifts. Or the elderly who are at the most risk during these times. Did it cross your mind that by being selfish, you are putting lives at risk. Because of extreme buyers and stockpilers, people can hardly feed thier families. 

To stop this, customers should be limited to a particular amount of products - one packet of toilet paper per customer, two loaves of bread and up to five cans of food are some examples of what should be put in place if it has not already and anyone who 

Another issue with stockpiling is that it is actually is making people violent. For example when people are buying excessive amounts of food and resources, and someone askes them if they could share it, arguements and sometimes physical fights occur. Is it really that difficult to just stick to what you need? If everybody buys their food and essentails as they normally would, nobody would have to go without. Nobody would have to wait and come back the next day for something that wasn't in stock. nobody would have to struggle and we can get through these times by working together and being kind to eachother.

Grace Whittley

Hundred of Hoo Academy