Crowds swarm to see the up and coming young stars of Orchards Academy perform Legally Blonde the musical. With it’s first ever double cast , I was fortunate enough to enjoy both Thursday and Friday night. 

On the Thursday night, the pressure was on. With the governers of the school sitting front row, it still didn’t stop the leading role - “Saskia Hills” - perform with full power. She had previously stared in the last musical of “We Will Rock You”, so she did have experience on her hand. 

I was lucky enough to be let backstage with the crew to get insight on what it takes to get the show up and running. “With three months of practice, although very long and  tiring is so worth it” says Jamie Speller, who also had a splint role for the main male lead. The pressure was definatly on backstage, with quick ten second constume changes and the changing colour of hair, you really can’t comprehend how much energy is put in to the show. 

On the second night the lead was played by Hannah Bartlett. She had performed as one of the main leads previously but never in the full spotlight. Her amazing voice and realistic acting created for a very professional experience. She said “I weirdly don’t get nervous for the show because it’s something i love doing”.

It has already been promised a show at Orchards Academy next year, so why not treat yourself?