E-cigarettes are even more prevalent among young people. Over 20 percent of adults aged between 18 and 24 have tried them at least once. Despite their widespread use, the health effects of e-cigarettes are still unclear. There are reported studies suggesting that vaping may not be great for our cardiovascular health, however, to my knowledge, the evidence is quite limited. Despite that in my opinion E-cigarettes cannot be simply categorized as either beneficial or harmful.

Most reports show evidence that the vast majority of e-cigarettes contain a wide variety of substances that are potentially toxic to the human body. There is also some evidence that your heart rate increases after nicotine intake from e-cigarettes, and that some chemicals present in e-cigarettes are capable of causing DNA damage and mutations in cells.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), smoking-related disease causes around six million deaths a year. Around 100,000 of these deaths occur in the UK and around five hundred thousand deaths occur in the US. According to some survey’s nicotine does not cause these deaths directly, instead the unhealthy addiction to nicotine does.

In my opinion people should just stay away from these unhealthy products, as you may look cool vaping however you are just damaging your lungs and as a result ruining your own future.