Anime. When I was in year 9, one of my friends introduced me to anime. I remember reclining on my plastic chair with a smirk on my face knowing that this was going to be boring and I was probably not going to bother watching the next episode. I was never more wrong in my life. From that moment on I was sucked into the world of anime.

Anime is usually in Japanese and fortunately for many of us, - with subtitles - and somehow despite the language barrier and amusing translations, it still manages to attract so many fans. "Anime is just amazing and is an amazing way to learn about some aspects of Japan," Sharmija Sivakumar commented.

If you are into anime, think of your most favourite anime character, how much do you know about them? Their favourite colour? Their entire family tree? The shoes they wear? You probably know quiet a few details. Most characters are designed with much detail. Some characters are weird others are really perceptive and intelligent. Their character really shines through the story and you maybe understand them and relate to them.

Moreover, the visual arts are usually stunning. They look very realistic and beautiful. The presentation of rural Japan is particularly beautiful in the anime I watch and perhaps that's why I really want to go live in Japan.

Anime, like TV, is a form of entertainment. After a stressful day at school or work, anime is time to escape from the world and be sucked in the world where these anime characters are. It is something to take your mind off.

Anime also teaches you a lot about Japanese culture even though it may be sometimes idealised. For one, the abundancy of vending machines in Japan. Literally, everywhere there is a vending machine. Yet, in Tokyo there are actually five million vending machines - approximately 1 for every 23 people so it may not be too far from the truth! Furthermore, usually in things where story telling is used, there is usually some form of idealisation. For example just think of London being idealised in Downton Abbey.