As a self-proclaimed 'master procrastinator', I have decided to share some of my wisdom which I have collated over my last few years of exams.

1. Use apps to aid your revision. 

We live in a world dominated by our phones and technology, so why not use them to our advantage? There are thousands of apps available, with my personal favourites being Quizlet, Memrise and Forest, but each one offers something unique to benefit you and your technique for studying.  

2. Study with friends. 

As someone who will find any excuse to avoid revising, I have discovered how useful the company of other people is. From organised study groups, to just spending half an hour in the library with friends and your biology textbook, being surrounded by people working has a very positive impact on your own revision, as well as keeping it fun and light-hearted. 

3. Revise whenever you feel like it. 

I often find that, inbetween my hours of procrastination, I go through periods of feeling ready to take on my mountain of revision, and it is during these 30-minute bursts of motivation that I find myself the most productive. By saying “revise whenever you feel like it”, I don’t mean to lead you into a false sense of security by telling you that you don’t have to revise consistently, but do not waste the times when you are feeling particularly inspired to work. It is a good idea to have small tasks in your head, such as spending half an hour collecting quotes from Romeo and Juliet, so that when you are in a revising mood you can make the most of it. If you spend too long setting yourself up for hours of work, you will find that you will lose this motivation and you will be back to square one. 

4. Find your motivation. 

This piece of advice, although generic, is the one which will have the biggest impact on your revision. If you do not have any motivation, you will find yourself often lost within the course of your revision, and unable to find an incentive to work hard.  

5. Keep the end in sight. 

Whether you are revising for an end of unit test or your A levels, there is always an end in sight- so cling onto it. Imagine yourself receiving your result and consider your reaction to it. Was there anything else you could have done? There is not much worse than knowing you could have done better if you had not dribbled away your time procrastinating.

Finally, I will leave you to smash your exams with a quote from Abraham Lincoln:

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”