Following the magical tale of little Chihiro who stumbles upon a magical world, Hayao Miyazaki’s “Spirited Away” has been brought to life on stage!
“Spirited away” (2001) is a Japanese animated film, written and directed by the renowned Miyazaki. On April 30th, the live action had its debut on the stage of the London Coliseum
The story follows ten-year-old Chihiro Ogino, who, while moving to a new home with her parents, ends up at an abandoned amusement park. There, she discovers a fantastical world of spirits and supernatural beings. After her parents are turned into pigs by the witch Yubaba, she takes on the same “Sen” and a job at Yubaba’s bathhouse as she looks for a way to save herself and her parents.
“Spirited Away” focuses on Chihiro’s journey to save her parents from Yubaba and find a way home with the help of some friends made along the way. The story depicts her transition into adolescence and maturing, and blends this with themes of Japanese folklore.
The production does a wonderful job of bringing this magical tale to life, with its beautifully made set and incredibly talented cast. Natalia Naumova, a member of the audience during the musical’s debut said “This production is a wonderful adaptation of the original film. I especially enjoyed the musical numbers and the dancing. I also think that the actress playing Chihiro did a spectacular job playing a young girl on stage.”
"Spirited Away" has received a lot of positive feedback and excellent reviews from audiences. For the studio Ghibli fans living in the UK, this production is a must-see!