“The Six of Crows” series by Leigh Bardugo is an enthralling duology that transports readers to the dark and dangerous streets of the fictional city of Ketterdam. Set in the same universe as Bardugo’s “Grisha” trilogy, this series follows a diverse cast of characters as they embark on a daring heist that will change their lives forever.
Bardugo’s world-building in this book is exceptional, it immerses readers in a vivid landscape filled with magic and intrigue. From the bustling streets of the Barrel to the magnificent Ice Court, each setting is meticulously designed and brimming with atmosphere and authenticity.
At the heart of the series are the six protagonists, a band of misfits and outcasts that each have their own unique skills and secrets. Led by the cunning Kas Brekker, the group must travel through bitter rivalries and treacherous alliances as they attempt to pull off the greatest heist in history.
The series has a fast-paced plot full of twists and turns that keep readers engaged to the final page. One of my favourite things about the "Six of Crows" is the complexity of its characters and how their pasts affect them many years later. Bardugo explores themes of trauma, power, and evil so the story is not only entertaining but intriguing and thought-provoking.
Overall, the “Six of Crows” series is a masterfully crafted duology that delivers on all fronts: action, suspense, romance, evil, and character development. Its unforgettable cast of characters and richly imagined world make this series a must-read for fantasy and adventure fans.