Getting a part time job isn’t easy especially if you’re a student with little experience but nevertheless with the right tips and tricks you can get one.
My first tip for getting a part time job would be to write a cv in advance. By writing a CV before applying you won’t spend as much time on application forms. I’d also recommend searching for a CV template on word, so you have an idea of what to put on your CV and it’ll be ideally a page long.
My second tip would be to start looking early. Many students find jobs have low response rates so it’s best to start as soon as possible!
My third tip would be using Indeed Jobs. Indeed, lists hundreds of jobs a day and you can even put daily email notifications for jobs around your area, so you’ll be able to apply to jobs as soon as they’re listed and won’t miss out.
My fourth tip would be to try ensuring you have weekend availability where possible- try scheduling to see friends after school because a lot of places hire teens for their weekend availability, so you’ll have an increased chance of success against people not attending school.
My final tip would be to gain experience during half terms. A lot of places run unpaid work experience schemes which are handy for your CV. Additionally, try to see whether you can help at your parents’ workplace, if possible, on a bank holiday or half-day.