Staines 22-17 Gravesend.

Gravesend deserved more from this fixture, in a game they out played their opposition in set scrum and line-out and when the backs impressed with ball in hand.

Trailing 16-7 at the interval, and a penalty count of five to one against them, Gs came out best in the second half out-scoring the Swans 6-10 a margin despite a continued high penalty count against.

Within minutes of the start, Staines Swans were inside Gs twenty-two, and fly half Shane Brady found time to drop a goal for an early home lead.

Gravesend had set their stall out early as the battle up front was going their way, only to find a disproportionate penalty count going against them and Brady took the opportunity to add the points from two place kicks.

With the front row of Lines, McKee and Forsyth holding firm throughout, and the line-outs dominated by Irvine and Thompson, the platform was set for Gs to launch their backs.

Staines tactic of a drift defence kept their line secure and it was last ditch tackles wide on the touch line that prevented Adam Bishop getting through.

Winning the ball on the opposition throw, Gs drive towards the line paid dividends as the home backs were caught off-side.

With the ball recycled through several moves, scrum-half Jon Clement finished the phase with a well taken try by the posts. Sam Hall converted for 9-7.

Swans’ skipper and number eight, Tom Cleary along with fellow back-row Gus Jomes were having a big influence on the home play.

It was a break by Cleary that set up the move finished off on the wing by Webber who dived in at the corner.

Chris Wells added the conversion for 16-7 at the interval.

The second period of play was again dominated by the visitors forwards, but the greatest influence on the final outcome was that of the referees.

An early penalty for Wells edged the home side further away at 19-7.

Then with Gs forcing the play close to the twenty-two, Tomas Ford was shown the yellow card for a questionable late tackle. The resulting penalty enabled Staines to clear their line.

Chris Wells made the most of his opportunities and his superb kicking from the tee added yet another penalty for 22-7.

Gravesend continued their attacking play and it was yet another home penalty kick, this one from long range dipped short of the posts that was gathered by Bishop.

As the wing three-quarter set off from his own line supported by Smith Curley and Goss, the game moved quickly back to the home twenty-two.

The home defence held firm, through dubious means and as the referee played advantage, the ball was flipped up to Tom Goss who raced in. Scott Curley dropped the conversion to hurry the game along to 22-14.

Ford having been shown yellow at the fifty-two minutes had to wait a full eighteen minutes before being allowed to return to the field, the play having been stopped for eight minutes due to an injury.

Further time outs before Josh Smith added points from the first kickable penalty chance that Gravesend had been given throughout the game to close the gap 22-17.

Gravesend were now looking for the score to secure them the points and Staines were having to absorb the pressure.

The extra score needed didn’t come and the game finished with just five minutes of extra time played.

Although they had not scored after the interval, until into the last quarter, the Gravesend XV were completely dominant. Had the full eighty minutes been played one wonders what the final outcome would have been.

Next week away to Dorking.

Gravesend: Sam Hall, Jamie Gwynne, Scott Curley, Josh Smith, Tom Goss, Gary Gray, Jon Clement, Jamie Forsyth, Warren McKee, Chris Anstey, Dave Irvine, Reuben Potaka, Tomas Ford, Tom Weeks, Phil Thompson. Rep: Sam Brice, Jamie Gwynne, Terry Papworth.