THERE was change of scenery on Saturday for six Istead & Ifield runners, who were among the 108 finishers of the Quicksand 15.

This is a strange 15 mile race along the beach from Margate to the northern most end of Ramsgate and then back to Margate where it started.

For added excitement, there was a half gale force wind from the northwest, which meant most of the race back was into a very strong headwind.

Unfortunately, one of the three men first in for Istead had entered on the day, which barred the club from the team prize.

However, the only lady runner, Lesley Irvine, won the over 55 trophy.

Results: Fifth - Derek George 1h 45m 01s; Seventh - Joe Cumberland 1h 45m 10s; Eighth Wilfredo Chillatupa 1h 47m 03s; 57th Barry Bell 2h 11m 34s; 83rd Bob Carter 2h 31m 42s; 85th Lesley Irvine 2h 45m 46s.

Harriers were closer to home on Sunday when the club did very well at the Snodland 10k.

The star of the show for Harriers was Simon Parrin (37m42s), who won the race to land his first ever victory.

Andy Archer came in third and Steve Cason was the first over 50.

Sue Beecham was the only lady and Derek George followed his Saturday effort by taking part here as well.

Meanwhile, Alan Cowan and Margaret Mary Cowan were among the 452 runners who took part in the Essex 10 mile county championships.

Alan finished 82nd in 79m27s and Margaret Mary was 404th in 89m20s.