YET another wonderful legacy from Blair, Brown and the other financial incompetents from Nu Labour, with the complicity it must be said of the other main parties, whose objections weren’t exactly deafening.

So now we have a bankrupt NHS and banking system.

The MoD can’t be far behind and then what - education?

One could almost wonder if these fools of politicians are deliberately trying to ruin Britain to force it into the United States of Europe.

How damning that a retired hospital consultant Alfred Franklin states that the people running South London Healthcare NHS Trust for the last few years "have not shown any degree of competence".

Isn’t it strange that the current leader of the trust resigned just a week before, doubtless with a huge golden handshake?

I think that readers may find that one of the former heads of Bromley healthcare left with a huge "golden goodbye" only to take up an even higher paid position elsewhere in the NHS.

Now these imbeciles in Parliament want to squander some £500m of taxpayers’ money on reform of the House of Lords - if the House of Lords needs reforming, then the vast majority of our MPs should be taken out on to the terrace of the House of Commons and shot.

D West
Petts Wood