DURING all the latest discussions about possible drought orders and water restrictions, I have to say I cannot understand the reluctance the water companies seem to have to compulsory water metering.

We are all happy to pay for the amount of gas and electricity we use and telephone calls we make, so why should our water usage be any different?

My house was converted to a metering system eight years ago after we owned up to the crime of using a sprinkler occasionally.

Knowing my family of four, including two children, have always been very conscious of water usage I was interested to see what would happen to my bills.

Astonishingly, my annual bill was reduced by two thirds for a detached four-bedroom house.

We continue to try to be conscious of water usage, particularly wastage and all it takes is a bit of thought and effort.

Everyone, especially the water companies, needs to accept responsibility for preserving a natural, but precious resource.

We must curtail our expectations of how much water we use and learn to accept our dishwasher does not need to be run for five mugs, nor does the washing machine have to be used for one shirt so desperately needed for a night out.

As a nation we are often thoughtless in so many ways and this is one small area where a little care could make a huge difference to our lives both in the short and long-term.

