In the article Cash boost brings tube to borough' (January 4) you write that "The council also hopes that the new line will create jobs, improve business links and drive up property prices".

I'm sure the council is hoping that property prices are driven up - because they'll be able to move lots of houses up a council tax band and rake in a lot more money.

For everyone else, rising property prices are very bad news. The new tube line may create jobs - but if local people can't afford to live in the area because they're priced out, who is going to do them?

House prices in much of Lewisham are already well beyond the reach of anyone on a wage below the national average. If house prices go up any more, only people commuting to high-paying jobs in Central London will be able to live here.

Rather than trying to turn Lewisham into just another commuter town, Lewisham Council should be doing its utmost to build more affordable housing so that we can continue to have a vibrant and viable local community.

Richard Galloway, Britton Close, Catford