What a wonderfully understanding person Lesley Hastings sounds. There are a couple of facts that perhaps should be borne in mind when you criticise the nurses for having the audacity to park in the road.

The sum of £15 may not mean much to you but to some of these nurses it is a sum that they would rather not have to fork out. I can assure you they still earn money that most people wouldn't cross the road for (and who knows it may be a relative of yours whose vomit, or worse, they will have to clear up)!.

Why the powers that be in this trust can't resolve this problem is beyond me, and everyone else as well, so come on people wake up! And what they should wake to is the obvious fact that when all the roads have been painted with yellow lines an awful lot of the nurses will just transfer to a hospital nearer to them, so you will have plenty of room to swing your car into your drive but the hospital could be quieter as well, so then you'll be moaning about something else.

By the way, just for the record, the fact that they pay £15 for parking does not mean they will get a parking space, so they will pay the money and still be parking near your house.

What is it with this country that we just can't come to terms with the car. These nurses have to start at 7am so the car is more than likely the only way they can get in, and where will they park when you've got your way?

So come on, give the nurses somewhere to park for God's sake, we all need them.

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