The solution to Gravesend parking problem is more and better public transport. We need longer and more frequent trains and regular, on-time buses.

This would have many other benefits, such as no all-day parking, increased employment, safer roads and it might make crossing the road easier for pedestrians.

It was possible in the past to commute by public transport, so could be achieved again with a fully integrated transport system.

It would be paid for by diverting the £25 billion from the Trident nuclear weapons programme, which will make us a target.

Scientists have proved the link between carbon dioxide emissions, mainly from car exhausts, and climate change, confirming the need to restrict car use.

This should be considered urgently because the car problem is a national emergency and global warming is a catastrophe. Ignoring it is blinkered and unacceptable.

B E Driscoll, Davis Avenue, Northfleet