I WOULD like to thank you for the Shooting From The Lip column by Laura-Jane Filotrani.

It makes great reading and is always a must-read each week.

I am writing to correct a point she made about the Muslim cartoons (Cartoons Expose Hypocrisy, News Shopper, February 15).

Although I agree with the general point she was making about how their actions have done them no favours, I would disagree with the point made which says the vast majority are appalled by their actions.

As a committed Christian I am very interested and aware of religious views and opinions and have found the vast majority are actually in favour of their fellow Muslims' actions.

The way Muslims unanimously reacted around Europe just shows and reminds the world we are not dealing with a peaceful and tolerant religion far from it.

Please do not misunderstand me.

I realise the Muslims are people themselves, most loving and very kind too and it is Islam and its teaching we should be highlighting.

But those who are true to the teaching of the Koran unfortunately think and carry out some of the worst actions.

To give an example, I am fully aware in churches worldwide there are Christians' who are only so by name and so do not stand to the true teachings and beliefs Jesus and the Bible teaches.

I would call them moderate Christians' instead of born-again Christians' and there are moderate Muslims' instead of fundamentalist Muslims'.

The moderate ones are no threat but also are not real Muslims too.