As the writer of the star letter "Blue rinse brigade clogging up shops" lacked the courage to put their name to the letter.

I will assume they are male. As one of the silly old duffers, I find his comments to be abusive and offensive, to say the least.

I would like to remind him that no thanks to his generation we still live in a free country.

I think his ignorant remarks are indicative of the attitude spawning the violent society we live in today.

Having wasted so much of his precious time queueing behind the old duffers, I am surprised he still has time to waste sitting in coffee shops.

On behalf of all the blue rinse brigade, I would like to say we will continue to shop where and when we choose.

As for his ridiculous curfew idea, does he not think this government has imposed enough restrictions on the people of this country?

Is he a member of the BNP? I am surprised the Editor allowed his load of claptrap to be published, let alone given star letter rating.

DG Bampton, Northfleet