I am writing to answer the letter about the blue rinse brigade.

People are entitled to go shopping when and where they like and also when they can collect their pensions.

I am an 82-year-old man who shops on a Saturday and Monday mornings.

I can honestly say I have never been held up by people of around my age.

I, like a lot of people who are pensioners, like to shop on a Saturday because of the markets where you can pick up bargains a lot cheaper than shops.

The people I get annoyed with are those who use pin number cards, even for a few items.

I always pay cash and I am away from the checkout counters a lot quicker than those fumbling about with these cards.

I do not know who this person is or whether male or female, although it sounds like a male.

One day they will be a doddering old duffer and will realise how stupid their remarks are.

As I said, you shop when you can and where you can, not to please someone as selfish as the writer of the letter.

FW Cutten, Dartford