In answer to the letter "Pensioners clog up my weekends", I was very surprised News Shopper even printed it.

My answer to whoever wrote the letter is I found your letter an insult to all elderly people.

Do you really think because you are young you have more rights than we do.

Well I've got news for you, you don't. I am 69 years old and like lots of people in our age group we do things to suit our circumstances, not to please everyone else.

I think you would find if you show people some respect, they might even listen to you.

Some elderly people like to go shopping every day, because of loneliness and the fact they can only carry so much in one go.

As far as a curfew, perhaps you should stay at home. So stop whinging and just be glad you are fit and able to get out and about when it suits you.

If you reach old age you might then understand what it really is like to feel old. By the way, drop the blue rinse insult.

M Morris, Eltham