To the busy person complaining about the blue rinse brigade.

Lots of over 65s spend Monday to Friday at work too. Lots more spend that time caring for the children of the selfish “must have it all now” working families.

Many even older folk are a bit decrepit and rely on younger family members for a lift to the shops only available on a Saturday or Sunday.

Over 65s are fed up with being tutted at, knocked with passing supermarket trolleys and taken for granted by some of the younger thoughtless, selfish people who can’t wait a second for anything or anyone but who, strangely, still have time for a coffee in Costa or Thorntons. How about a little live and let live?

You could always shop at night in one of the 24-hour supermarkets.

Oh sorry, obviously the old duffers wont be able to babysit because they will be out with friends dancing, dining, theatre going or even clubbing and not a blue rinse in sight. So selfish!!!!

Janet Buchanan, Bexley