In regard to 'Blue rinse brigade clog up shops', I may not be 65 yet but I'm not that far off old dufferdom as defined by your (probably wisely) anonymous and clearly very frustrated and angry correspondent.

In common with the writer, I hate shopping of any kind and my mood is never improved by it.

I hope that writing the letter allowed him/her to let off some steam and reduce their blood pressure a bit.

If not it is possible they won't ever reach old dufferdom themselves and that would be a pity because the view from 'over the hill' isn't that bad.

It's certainly better than the alternative.

I would like to thank the writer for providing me with some unlooked for but always welcome amusement. the comic hyperbole was too far away from reality to be offensive and in any case taking offence is bad for the blood pressure.

As it is I rarely shop at the weekend myself. All those kids ...

Pat Ball, Welling