I read with interest the sad and almost laughable letter attacking “old duffers”.

I think the writer might be talking about my mum as one of them.

She goes to the shops not only to shop but as she lives alone she likes to be around people.

My mum has worked hard all her life, contributing towards society.

She lived through the war and has had a hard life.

So if my mum wants to shop naked in the middle of the day or night then I say go for it girl, cos you are free to do as you like - within reason!

I prefer the generation that has grown up knowing what life is all about and is still giving something back by keeping civilisation strong, compared with some of the younger contenders in the shops who allow their little darlings to run riot, causing havoc and showing very little respect for anyone in their path. I work full time and shop at all different times to suit me best. but given a choice I would avoid the young mums with the kids from hell who maybe should have a time allocated to them to shop.

Keep going oldies, even if it is just to annoy the writer who remains anon. I wonder why?

PSs Duffer in the dictionary means stupid, inefficient person. Not my lovely mum!!

Sue Ingram, Dartford