I was appalled to read the very ageist letter that was recently published about senior citizens.

The writer seemed to think in his own small mind that older people sit at home all day, with no life or responsibilities and just pop out to shop so they can socialise and have coffee.

Nothing could be further from the truth. A very large proportion of senior citizens are carers, volunteers in the community and have family child care commitments.

We, in Lewisham, are very proud of our older residents and are grateful for the hard work and commitment they have given to this country and this borough through the years.

Maybe this sad person (who does not even show his name) would like to join me when I’m chairing committees, our Older People's Advisory Group or visiting one of the many active groups which older people in the borough are involved in.

Older people contribute enormously to the community life of Lewisham.

Councillor Peggy Fitzsimmons
Cabinet member for older people