I don't know if I was more surprised at the content of the 'Star Letter' about elderly people shopping, or the fact that the Editor saw fit to give this letter space in your paper.

Had the subject of this letter been directed at a race or religion, I doubt it would have been published.

The attitude of the writer shocked me. I too, am part of a very hard-working family, indeed an extended family where the 'Blue Rinse Brigade' are an integral if not vital part of helping myself and my sister to bring up our families whilst we go out to work.

The writer makes the naive assumption that the 'Blue Rinse Brigade' sit around all day with nothing to do.

Who does he/she think supports the charities/charity shops, volunteer organisations, church communities, hospital friends associations etc., all working whilst unpaid.

Does the fact that they are pensioners make them any less valuable to us as a community? I think not.

It's estimated that grandparents provide somewhere in the region of £4bn per year in unpaid child care to around half a million working families.

Without this help, many families would find it hard to manage both practically or financially.

I am proud of the fact that I was brought up to respect my elders, my parents gave me an excellent grounding and I am thankful that I realise the benefits that the 'Blue Rinse Brigade' bring to our community.

I assume your writer doesn't intend to grow old?

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