I am fed up to the back teeth of the ‘non-blue rinse brigade’ clogging up the aisles.

Give me a supermarket full of the elderly as opposed to men and women unable to do the weekly shop alone.

Why do they have to go in pairs? The worst offenders are couples AND their children.

I work full time and try to get to the shops early on Saturday morning to avoid them.

Supermarkets are open seven days a week, late nights and some 24 hours - as a consequence there are plenty of options for workers to shop.

There should be government legislation - one person to one trolley unless you are elderly or disabled.

Plus ‘shuffling old duffers’ do not clog up the aisles and other shops on mobile telephones having pointless conversations about complete drivel.

Maybe when your writer is older he or she will appreciate that getting out on a daily basis is essential.

My father is 100 and goes to the shops. I would be mortified if he was in front of such an inconsiderate individual.

I also get great pleasure from helping the elderly at the shops.

I hope that more ‘clog up the shops’ as a result of this letter
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