In response to the letter “Blue rinse brigade clog up shops”, I’m not surprised the writer didn’t want their name published.

Whether this was a joke or a serious letter is almost irrelevant – older people will be furious at being labelled an inconvenience to society and the suggestion that they should be subject to a curfew or charged.

It is also very insensitive to be criticising older people as we approach Remembrance Day – many of the people attacked in the letter will have put their lives on the line and lost relatives so that the writer could enjoy shopping on a Saturday.

If the writer has to wait a few minutes to buy a coffee then maybe they can use that time to reflect on the fact that older people give an enormous amount to the community, through volunteering, caring for relatives, babysitting and childcare, and contributing to the many interest groups that keep our society alive.

And given the many years they have spent working, bringing up children and paying taxes, shouldn’t they be allowed to enjoy later life?

One final thought to the writer – the people you criticise in your letter may annoy you now, but you will be like them one day.

Perhaps by then you might have more of an appreciation of what older people contribute to our community.

Paul Goulden
Chief executive
Age Concern Bexley