In reply to the letter headed Blue Rinse Brigade clog up shops, I must say that the person who wrote this and, incidentally, didn't have the courage to give their name, must be a complete cold-hearted individual.

The comments were most offensive. How dare they be so callous in their suggestion that people aged over 65 should only shop on weekdays between the hours of 8am and 4pm.

I personally have a mother of 62 who is ill with leukaemia and awaiting a bone marrow transplant.

If this 'kindly' person were to have his/her way, my mother and a good many others like her would have to stay indoors on specified times because of discrimination of their age.

Why should they not go to the shops? It is good to get out of the house, especially in cases like my mother's - they need to take their mind off things, so to speak.

Does it not occur to him/her that they should have a bit of respect for other people.

The older person may be ill, with some condition or other, that may not be apparent on first glance.

I have one thing to say to the author of that letter - you have to get old yourself one day.

Hopefully you haven't any needy, old relatives because if you have, my sympathy lies with the relatives in having the misfortune of having such a nasty person related to them.

Jackie Templeton, Crayford