DITCH PLAN: Bexley Council is keen to encourage volunteer groups who make a huge contribution to the quality of life for many people but at the same time it restricts popular amenities in order to make money, ignoring the wishes of residents. The closure of Barnehurst Library is shameful. The warm, friendly atmosphere and many activities, such as reading groups, are a lifeline for many frail elderly people in the vicinity and is often their only social outing. There will be no question of them taking a bus or walking the mile to their next nearest library. Barnehurst Library is purpose-built and vandal-free, which is more than can be said for other libraries in Bexley borough. The suggested alternative library at Northumberland Heath is of minimal modern design and economically built. Vandalism there is such a problem security staff have had to be employed and some staff are nervous of working. Please show you care, Bexley Council, and do a u-turn on this unpopular decision.

Mrs D Butler, Bexleyheath

SOLD SHORT: Re: Councillor Joel Briant and the allotment strategy (News Shopper, February 25). If the Time Team can find a brick wall 4ft down without cutting one bit of turf, how come Cllr Briant has to bulldoze the site to find a rusty waterpipe? Bexley Council's question-and-answer sheets gave no positive commitment to any questions, yet Cllr Briant says "no-one will pay more than £1 a week" for the modern allotments another 100 per cent-plus council increase. Finally, thank you to our Allotment Federation for selling us short and allowing itself to be hoodwinked by this council.

I J Cole, Crayford

THANKS FOR HELP: In 1999 I had a major traffic accident and was looked after by Mr Addison at Joyce Green Hospital. Following this, I was helped by Professor Matthew from Thames Gateway in 2000. In 2001 Mr Gluchman also helped me, in 2002 I was cared for by Mr Lessop and in 2004 Mr Stewart. I would like to thank all of the above named and also the staff on the Juniper Ward at Darent Valley Hospital for all their care and kindness to me.

D A Fox, Longfield

IT DOESN'T ADD UP: Harry Cole writes about medicines on March 3: "If I list just five of the 31 possible side effects of Solaraze, such as ulcers, dermatitis, hair loss and vomiting, then ..." Presumably the fifth one is the inability to count.

Howard Ball, Swanley