GREAT HELP: June 1 to June 7 was national Volunteers' Week.

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the many volunteers who support our work at National Trust properties and countryside locations in the area.

Not only do volunteers give us their time and energy, they also share with us their skills, experience and enthusiasm.

Each time News Shopper readers visit a National Trust property, they will benefit from the hard work of the volunteer team; a warm welcome, a beautiful garden, accessible paths, all in all a memorable day out.

Without their support, we could not ensure our special places remain relevant and accessible to the thousands of people who visit them.

Volunteers are integral to what we do and we look to ensure every experience is of mutual benefit.

Though we are now involving an incredible 50,000 volunteers every year throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland, we can always welcome more.

So, thanks again to our wonderful volunteers.

Whether you give 30 minutes or three days a week, you make a fantastic difference which is hugely appreciated.

MARK CROSBY, head of volunteering, The National Trust

WAIT FOR LEAFLET: With reference to John Davis's letter (Rubbish Idea, News Shopper, May 28), the council does allow for people who already have a wheelie bin.

The new system started where I live - in Blackfen - on May 7.

Before this the council sent a leaflet with a form for those who already have a wheelie bin to let them know.

They also offer a home compost bin as an alternative if people so choose.

I would therefore advise Mr Davis to wait for his leaflet which he should receive before the new system starts in his area, or maybe contact the council to let them know.

I am no fan of the council but in this case they are doing what Mr Davis wants them to do.

PATRICIA MINDE, address supplied

LEAVE IT ALONE: Now the Mead family have finally lost their precious home to a "giant" swallow hole (In Tears As Family's Memories Destroyed, May 28), perhaps News Shopper will let the subject close and let the family rebuild their lives.

Continual sensationalist journalism issue after issue has left the whole area suffering.

Lots of property in the area - including ours - remains unsold due to the stories which run in News Shopper.

It is not helpful to anyone.

Bexley Council are also allegedly telling people not to buy property in the area. It's frightening.

M PETERS, Bexleyheath