HERE in Bexley we are fortunate to have excellent recycling facilities, both in our kerbside collections and at our waste centres.

I visited our waste centre at Maidstone Road recently to dispose of some rubbish.

We put some metal in the "metals" container, some wood in the "wood" container and a broken computer printer in the "small electricals" container. This took very little effort.

However, I watched several people just unload their cars into the general non-recyclable waste containers without even looking at the signs indicating where things should go.

Two large empty cardboard boxes, a toaster and a computer monitor/TV screen are just an example of the things I saw tossed into the general waste, which I presume goes to landfill.

It takes practically no time at all to sort waste and place it in the appropriate containers at Maidstone Road.

If you are unsure of where to put something, the friendly and helpful staff will tell you.

And if Bexley Council has to pay penalties for the amount of rubbish sent to landfill, our council tax will increase.

MRS CUTHBERT, address supplied