IS IT too late to stop this massive intrusion of Orpington by the proposed new Tesco store?

Orpington residents should make a last-minute stand and demand they have the final say as to whether a new store should be built.

The council's only involvement should be giving planning permission if residents agree on allowing this project to take place.

Consider the disadvantages. There will be a building site at one of the busiest spots in Orpington, the War Memorial, for at least 18 months to two years.

You only have to look up Station Road each morning and see traffic head to toe from 8am onwards.

Once the store has been built, there will be constant traffic of customers and delivery lorries entering and leaving 24 hours a day.

We will lose 860 car park spaces for at least 18 months while a new car park is built, causing massive annoyance to residents who use the present car park, which is convenient for Orpington station.

Because of the lack of parking spaces, people will decide to go to either Bluewater or Lakeside for their shopping, which will affect the shops in Orpington High Street.

It could be the death of the high street if shops close down, causing unemployment on a large scale.

Tesco has made billions of pounds in profit over the years.

Do they really need the money?

Why don't they build their new stores in areas which need them?

Let's have a last-minute petition on this particular issue.


Lockesley Drive
