In an incredible display of resilience and determination, Carole Pyke, a two-time stroke survivor battling retrograde amnesia and more recently PTSD, achieved a remarkable milestone by delivering her first TEDx talk at TEDx Lewisham, hosted at Goldsmith University. Her talk, titled "Freedom in Forgetting: Memory Loss, Essence Found," captivated the audience and left a profound impression of hope and resilience.

PTSD is a formidable challenge on its own, but when combined with retrograde amnesia and only four years of conscious memory, it might seem insurmountable. However, Carole Pyke's story is one of unwavering determination and a powerful reminder that individuals are more than their circumstances.

Throughout her TEDx journey, Carole had to navigate the minefield of triggers and recurring images stemming from the traumatic memories of standing tearful and powerless at the side of the road when she was set up to have her car stolen in May. All this on top of her every day stroke brain challenges. She still has vivid memories of watching her possessions, freedom, and mobility vanish. (Her stolen belongings included her phone, door keys, money, access to money, freedom pass, blue badge, and walking sticks.)

When asked about how achieving her 2023 goal of delivering a TEDx talk makes her feel, Carole's response was a testament to her indomitable spirit. She said, "I want to remind everyone that they are more than their situation or circumstance. There is nothing determination, vision, support, and community cannot achieve."

Carole Pyke's TEDx talk explores the concept of memory loss, weaving her personal experiences into a powerful narrative perspective on resilience and the human spirit's capacity to triumph over adversity. Her story serves as an inspiration to countless individuals who may be facing their own challenges, demonstrating that with courage and the support of a caring community, one can find freedom in forgetting and embrace the essence of who they truly are.

Carole Pyke's story is not just a personal one; it's a universal tale of the human spirit's capacity to rise above adversity.

TEDx talk – Freedom in forgetting: memory loss, essence found here