IT WILL barely buy a few bites from a slice of pizza, so could Action Abi spend the week feeding herself on a measly £1 a day?

MY FRIENDS know never to cross me when I’m hungry.

So the challenge of spending no more than £1 a day on all my food and drink for five days did not sound the most appealing- to anyone.

As a chocolate addict who can normally spend up to £30 a week on food, I was in for a pretty demanding few days.

I decided to take up this month’s challenge after I heard about Live Below the Line.

The international scheme promotes awareness of the 1.4 billion people in the world who have less than £1 a day to live on.

With this in mind, I eyed the supermarket shelves for beans, potatoes and oats - anything that would see me through the week on the cheap.

Here’s how I got on.

My shopping list

Beans: 28p

Porridge oats: 87p

Value tomato soup: 24p

Value spaghetti with sausages: 69p

Sack of potatoes: £1

Two pasta packet meals: £1

Five bananas: 59p

Grand total: £4.67

Day one

I woke up and automatically went to switch on the kettle, only to remember I didn’t have any tea bags.

This would perhaps be the hardest challenge- a week without caffeine.

Porridge without milk and honey just seemed wrong but I poured water in nonetheless.

At lunch, I was a little dubious as I unscrewed my value can of soup but I reasoned you can’t go far wrong with tomato.

It was actually quite nice.

Feeling proud to make it through the afternoon, I was faced with sticking my potato in the oven and my beans in the microwave for dinner.

Day two

Joy of joys, I woke up to have porridge and water.

After my soup for lunch, I mixed it up a bit in the evening with a pasta meal- wine and chicken flavour.

Day three

This is what prison food must be like- tasteless, stodgy and boring.

Starting to feel a little angry with people as hunger pangs kick in for fresh fruit.

Day four

Porridge. Again. Followed by soup. Again.

At 7pm, I rebelled and ate four grapes.

Day five

I’m feeling pretty bad tempered and hungry.

At 6pm, I broke the challenge completely and had a hot dog.


The main thing for me was the boredom- eating the same thing every day.

I also felt excluded from things, such as when my friends went out for dinner or drinks.

It’s really tough to live on £1 a day and enjoy a balanced, interesting diet.

I didn’t achieve it- hats off to anyone who can.

Sweet cheats which kept me going

Two custard creams from colleague Alan Woods

Three tea bags and a Tottenham slice from the bakery over the road courtesy of colleague Kelly Smale

A package from my sister containing three Earl Grey tea bags and a fair trade chocolate bar

One bowlful of Honey Nut Shredded Wheat

Handful of salad leaves

Four grapes

One Snickers bar (I don’t even like them).

Do you have ideas for a challenge? Email or call 01689 885702.