BROMLEY Police has released CCTV footage of the last known movements of missing Maureen Fairbrass.

Maureen, mother of ex-Eastenders actor Craig Fairbrass, was last seen at around 3.30pm on Tuesday (October 11) in Bromley.

The footage shows Maureen walking down the slip road between Waitrose and Bromley Police Station, before crossing the road and walking down Westmoreland Road.

As the search for Maureen enters its third day, the Met's Air Support Unit, with the support of the Lowland Search Dogs, are assisting officers with the searches of open countryside.

Maureen, who suffers from dementia, is white and is described as being of medium build, about 5ft 8ins tall with blonde shoulder length hair.

She was wearing a 3/4 length black leather jacket, black polo shirt, blue jeans and black shoes.

Prior to her disappearance Maureen had been shopping with her husband at Waitrose, Bromley South, before wandering off.

There are serious concerns for Maureen's welfare given the length of time that she has been missing, her age and her medical condition.

Maureen is known to have connections to east London.

Anyone with information should contact Bromley Police on 020 8284 8859 or Missing People on 0500 700 700.