Rain did not stop play at the Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice Funday on Sunday July 17. Despite the wet weather conditions, it was business as usual for the 60 stallholders and attractions.

Andy Day presenter of CBeebies officially opened the event, and despite the heavy downpours, happily signed autographs for fans afterwards, saying: “I was pleased to support the Hospice Funday. I know David Carmichael from Tan’Gun Taekwondo Academy so when he asked me to get involved, I just couldn’t refuse. It’s for such a great cause.” 120 volunteers helped man the market stall area with all kinds of crafts, plants, books and bric-a-brac to buy, prizes to win and children's activities to take part in. Tan’Gun Taekwondo Academy arena displays, live music, a classic car show and children's rides added to the fun.

Susan Adams, Community Fundraiser at the Hospice said she was enormously grateful to the army of volunteers who started work at 7 am after weeks of preparation and were still there at 7.30 pm clearing away. “I’d like to thank everyone for coming along and for making every effort to stay as long as possible in such awful weather conditions,” said Susan.

The event, on Bostall Heath, Abbey Wood ran from 1-5pm and was attended by the Mayor & Mayoress of Greenwich Cllr Jim Gillman and Janet Gillman and the Mayor & Mayoress of Bexley Cllr Ray Sams and Rita Sams.

It was sponsored by Asda Bexleyheath and Roys Stores.

Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice is a registered charity, providing free, specialist end of life care for people with life-limiting illnesses, as well as providing support for their families, friends and carers.

Services are provided free of charge, but this care does not go without cost as it takes over £7 million each year to maintain Hospice services. With just 35 per cent of this funded from the NHS, the Hospice relies on the support of the community now more than ever before to continue its work.

This year it celebrates its silver anniversary and the Funday was one of a series of events to celebrate this.

For more information, please visit www.communityhospice.co.uk