NORTH KENT councils will offer Christmas tree recycling services in January.

Residents in Dartford can put trees out with their recycling for collection until Monday January 10.

Sevenoaks council will collect trees with a diameter of 3.5 inches or less for free, alongside regular refuse, until Monday January 31.

In Gravesham, eleven recycling sites will be open from Wednesday December 29 to Monday January 10.

These are: Shears Green Community Centre, Westcott Avenue; Osney Way Recycling Point, Lower Higham Road; Cascades Leisure Centre Recycling Point, Thong Lane; Istead Rise Recreation Ground, Worcester Close; Shorne Country Park, Brewers Road; Ordnance Road Car Park; Woodlands Park, Wrotham Road; Cygnet Leisure Centre, Hall Road; Camer Park, Camer Road; Culverstone Community Centre, Whitepost Lane; and Vigo Car Park, Erskine Road.