AN 89-YEAR-OLD woman is searching for the mystery good samaritan who gave her flowers in the supermarket after hearing her husband had died.

Elizabeth Roberts was given the flowers by a mystery woman while in the queue in the Marks and Spencer inside The Glades shopping centre in Bromley at around 12pm yesterday(October 29).

Mrs Roberts, of Kemble Drive in Bromley, said: “I was waiting in the queue to pay and the checkout lady, said ‘I heard your husband had died, how are you?’ “A woman standing nearby heard this and gave me a bunch of flowers she was holding and said, ‘take these home’, and then she left before I had a chance to thank her.

“I would like to know who she is to say thank you.”

Mrs Roberts’ husband, Bob, died a year ago aged 85.

If you are the mystery good samaritan, or know who she is, call the newsroom on 01689 885721.