ENVIRONMENTALISTS have been campaigning in the streets to get Bromley Council to cut its carbon footprint.

Bromley Friends of the Earth were handing out leaflets to members of the public in Bromley High Street and collecting signatures to be sent to the council asking it to reduce carbon emissions by 40 per cent by 2020.

The demo was part of the group’s national Get Serious About Carbon Reduction campaign, which was attended by Bromley’s portfolio holder for environment Councillor Colin Smith.

Bromley Friends of the Earth secretary Ray Watson said: "Councils have a big say in how we power and heat our homes and how we travel and can thus make an impact in cutting carbon.

"We are also calling for councils like Bromley to be given Government assistance so they can boost carbon reduction programmes across the whole borough."

Cllr Smith said: "We are interested in what Friends of the Earth have to say and we wish them well in their campaign.

"For it's part, the council is focusing our attention on reducing energy consumption which will produce significant financial savings for local taxpayers.

"It is an objective which is easily understood and we are aiming to reduce energy use by 25 per cent by 2013, which would be a noteworthy achievement."

To join Bromley Friends of the Earth call 01959 571566.