PLANS to increase Dartford Crossing tolls to help fund the removal of toll booths have been labelled a “government trick.”

In a controversial announcement in the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR),chancellor George Osborne said toll prices will increase from £1.50 to £2 by next year and will then hike up a further 50p in 2012.

Speaking after the spending review, Tory Dartford MP Gareth Johnson said: “It would cost £10m to remove the toll booths.

“The country is in such a dire financial state at the moment, so the only way to fund this is by increasing the tolls.”

But Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Dartford, John Adams, says the increase will line the pockets of the government rather than benefit motorists.

He said: “Increasing the tolls is the government’s way of milking the cash flow, making it a raw deal for the people of Dartford.

“It’s a government trick to generate more money from motorists who use the crossing.

“People deserve an apology from Tory MP Gareth Johnson.

“Only last month he was telling people he wants the tolls scrapped and he fought the general election on that basis.

“At best, he’s proving to be completely ineffective as an MP.”

However, Mr Johnson told News Shopper the increase in tolls is needed to remove the booths and replace them with modern technology to alleviate congestion.

Facing accusations he misled the public over the complete removal of the tolls, he said he had not been aware of the full details of the CSR and that he hopes the tolls will be completely scrapped by 2012.

He said: “I will continue to campaign for the tolls to be completely removed.

“I would prefer for the tolls to be removed so that using the crossing is free for all motorists.”

Plans to sell off the Crossing were also scrapped in the CSR due to its “strategic importance”.

AA president Edmund King (left) said: “The hike in tolls is an act of highway robbery as these tolls should have been dropped not doubled in two years.”

LIBERAL Democrat activist James Willis (left) said: “I understand about the first toll increase, but the second is outrageous, and I will campaign against it.”

People are invited to the next Toot if you give a Hoot protest on November 26. Meet at the Holiday Inn Express in University Way at 7am and 4pm.

RAY Murphy, director of haulage company Intersped Logistics (UK) in Riverside Industrial Estate, Dartford said: “It worries me financially.

“Someone will have to absorb this extra cost.”